Dear All,
As you know, one important purpose of our seminars at PolBeRG is to give opportunity to our students who work in the field of political behavior and political communication to present their work and get additional feedback from faculty members and fellow students.
After a number of talks given by visiting lecturers, we are pleased to announce that at next PolBeRG seminar, Friday 13.11., 17.30 (FT 908), MA 2/2 student Nemanja Stankov, will present his thesis project “Does ethnicity matter? Experimental design of voting behavior in Montenegro”.
In his study, Nemanja focuses on ethnic cleavage politics as an explanation of voting patterns in the case of Montenegro, to explore if reasons for low electoral volatility can be found in ethnic party-voter linkage and analyze its strength under the conditions of a candidate’s misbehavior. When confronted with information about candidates’ corruption, how do voters weigh candidate’s ethnicity and his/her misbehavior in deciding the vote? For this purpose, he designed a two-stage experimental setup through which he aims at answering both the questions of the effect of ethnic cleavage on vote choice and the stability of the vote.
Bear in mind that this is work in progress. Please find the thesis attached.
Hope to see you at the seminar!
Nemanja Batrićević
Student Chair of PolBeRG