The next PolBeRG seminar will be held on Friday 20.11. – 17.30 - (FT 908). We are exceptionally happy to announce that an old member of PolBeRG, Alexander Bor, who is now a PhD Candidate at Aarhus University, will present the paper titled “Facial appearance and institutional signals in political trust evaluations”.
Research in social psychology has identified several cues that influence trust evaluations in social interactions involving uncertainty about the future actions of potential partners. It remains a puzzle, however, how these cues influence political trust. Political interactions are peculiar, both due to the inherent challenges of power asymmetries between potential partners, and because interactions in mass politics are indirect, infrequent, influenced by a complex institutional framework and concern abstract problems. Thus, in politics, two specific types of informational inputs emerge; salient cues, which may provide non-reliable information, and relevant information appearing in non-salient forms. The interaction between these two types of inputs is essential to understand how political trust is formed. Focusing on the competence component of trust, I investigate how facial appearance and institutional signals interact in forming trust evaluations about a hypothetical male political actor. I hypothesize that the presence of relevant institutional signals of competence will diminish the impact of the facial cues.
Hope to see you at the seminar!
Nemanja Batrićević
Student Chair of PolBeRG